Using Fibery with students

Hi Fibery team,

I taught a business information systems subject at a college in 2023, and with ChatGPT disrupting education so significantly, we had to adjust and learn very quickly.

When it came to redesigning the subject I loosely suggested Fibery as a hands-on way for students to use and evaluate AI and setting up a great knowledge management system. It seems this idea might go ahead and I thought that I better check with you that this would be ok! Especially after reading your 2023 review and the plans you have for 2024.

Is there someone I can email with to discuss more?


Hi, indeed Fibery will not provide free version soon (I think from tomorrow), so for students it will be not possible to use Fibery as a tool to build PKM for free.

Note that for us this is an experiment and we will evaluate its results and may reconsider about free edition later.

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Thanks so much for the reply Michael!
Good luck with it all :slight_smile: