How do I share this public changelog? I can go inside a release description page and share the link to the page. But how do I share the list of releases page as done by fibery?
In the fibery public changelog, the list of releases is visible and when you go inside a release the description is visible. However, the list of tickets and bugs are hidden.
In my space, the Feature DB is related to Team DB, where a team can have multiple features but a feature can have only 1 team. Team here is team that is most impacted by the feature.
I want to display the team name before the feature name in the changelog. For example:
Team1 - Feature Name blah blah
Tried this, but getting 400 bad request error:
{!Features:Name,Team.Name,Public Announcement!}
const fibery = context.getService('fibery');
for (const feature of Entity.Features) {
const text = await fibery.getDocumentContent(feature["Public Announcement"], 'md');
if (text) {%>
## <%= feature.Team.Name%> - <%= feature.Name%>
<%= text%>