Unable to sort decending

Hi All!

I have been having an issue with sorting any data by date in a descending order.
Even if I use a single sorting expression in a formula I always get an ascending list.

Runs.Filter([Creation Date] >= Today() - Days(15)).Sort(Finished, false)

will result the same list as

Runs.Filter([Creation Date] >= Today() - Days(15)).Sort(Finished)

Has anybody else noticed a similar behavior?
Thank You!

The Sort() function is normally only used in formulas when followed by First() or Last(), in order to get the highest/lowest item. It has no effect on how a collection is displayed on the UI.
Sorting of a collection is a UI-only thing, and for formulas that result in a collection, it is not possible to control the sort order.

Thank You, Chr1sG for the quick answer. Albeit the reasoning surprises me as it would mean I can create views and sort its items any way I want, but I am unable to use the same feature in a formula to display the relevant information. Interesting.
Thanks again for the help!

We have a feature in the backlog to make collections that are formulas, behave like regular relation fields on the UI (sort, filter, color-code) which will probably solve this

That is some great news, I am looking forward to seeing it. Thanks again!