Toggle option in Rich text fields

What I used a lot in Notion is the Toggle function. I frequently miss this in Fibery when formatting documents visually. Especially for long documents with lots of text and images.

The solution in Fibery, which is close to the solution in Notion, is the H function. If you pass an H1 - H4, you create a toggle.

The only thing that I think is a very big drawback is that if you close the toggle, everything that comes after it is also closed in the toggle. You cannot control what you do/don’t put in the toggle. Unless the following H is larger than the closed H.

But then you are required to constantly use the H-tag. In Notion, I can close the Toggle, while the text underneath remains visible.


An example:
I am currently writing a lot of documentation and I use a lot of images and notes of the formulas used in these documentation to show how automations are set up. This is because we don’t have a history of the automations and we make changes regularly and we can’t always be sure in advance if it’s the right change, due to the complexity of The Ultimate Workspace.

But usually I don’t need the images. Mostly I want to read the written documentation, without large images with lots of details in between. I only want to see the image when it is relevant.

Now the question is, will the default Toggle function be added to rich text fields? If so, can we put images in there as well?

Please add Toggle, really missing it

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