I have a rule that create entities from a template list - that works great. However, those entities have Previous/Next items that I need to link based on some filters (because I can’t link to the original templates). I can’t get it to work in the original rule because they’re created in a different database, so I’ve created a rule in the new database to link the entities on creation, but it doesn’t run. It only runs if I change it to on update and manually update a field, which defeats the purpose of automating it.
Is there a way around this? I’m going to need similar across Fibery (for stages, services, and tasks). Some templates may also have parent/child relationships, which I’m going to run into similar problems with.
Edit: I managed my use case within the first flow (embarrassing that I worked on it for a while before posting and then immediately worked out how to do it upon post!), but in case I (or anyone else) runs into the issue where a flow won’t run on creation when created from another flow, I’ll leave this up in case there is a solution.
I’m glad that you solved the original need, but i am curious about this:
Are you saying that an automation that should run ‘on creation’ is not doing so?
If so, maybe you could share some details so we can find out if there is a bug to be fixed.
Come to think of it, it was only the first part that didn’t work. I think what may have happened is it relied on a field having contents and although the entity was created with a rule that gave it contents, it must have filled just after the on creation rule ran. The second part of the on creation rule was to delete the column’s contents, which did work.
When I changed the rule to on update, it didn’t work. I assume that’s because it was updated by the system, not a person because it worked when I manually updated the field.
So maybe not a bug, but a limitation of Fibery rules?
A rule that runs on update should be triggered no matter who made the update.
Perhaps share the rule, and we can figure out why it might not be working as intended.
This is great news for other rules I may need to run! I know it’s a limitation with some automations I’ve done in the past, so good to see that’s not (or shouldn’t be) the case here.
I’ve just checked but I deleted the rule (as I managed to get it working as part of my previous rule). If I come across the issue again, I’ll update and share. Thanks for trying to help - I shouldn’t have been so hasty with the delete button!
Just confirming for future reference: With this issue, the rule didn’t work as expected (link an entity) on creation or on update when items were created from a rule. If I manually updated the field, it worked as intended on update.
Thanks for sharing, that all makes sense - I’m already using filters and separating actions as necessary but I’ll make sure to consider how entities are likely to be edited by the team as well to make sure we don’t have unnecessary runs. I’m still not sure why this one wasn’t working, but I guess it’s a moot point for now!