Rule error: "Failed to execute Action: Command effects can’t be larger than 67108864 bytes."

Rule error:

Failed to execute Action "Link Calls": Command effects can’t be larger than 67108864 bytes. Actual effects size is 75522773 bytes.

Can someone explain what causes this? Here is the Rule:

[Calls (Zoho GC)].Filter(
    [Step 1 Call Stats].Type.Name = "MetaUser",
    [Call Owner] = [Step 1 Call Stats].MetaUser and
      [Call Start Time] >  [Step 1 Call Stats].[Frozen Before] and
      [Call Start Time] >= [Step 1 Call Stats].[Date Range].Start() and
      [Call Start Time] <  [Step 1 Call Stats].[Date Range].End(),
    [Zoho Instance] = [Step 1 Call Stats].[Zoho Instance] and
      [Call Start Time] >  [Step 1 Call Stats].[Frozen Before] and
      [Call Start Time] >= [Step 1 Call Stats].[Date Range].Start() and
      [Call Start Time] < [Step 1 Call Stats].[Date Range].End()
  ) = true

How many calls do you anticipate will fulfil the filter criteria?

This apparently was caused by too many filtered entities – the rule works on a smaller number of entities.