Hello! It’s been a while! My team continues along with Fibery and probably 70% of our content is in comments. This is the most effective way to use Fibery to aid communication asynchronously. The point about having comments searchable that I really hope comes to fruition from this request:
is not that you would need to remember what you wrote, as you are discussing here…
but more what I’d call “typical” searching for a repeating term, or something that was mentioned in comments, since they are the most logical place to put a lot of info.
Some ways comments are essential to our workflow vs. any other rich text fields you could use instead:
- you see at a glance who wrote the comment
- you see when the comment was written
You can’t get that information by writing the same content in Rich Text fields, which unlike comments, are indexed in search.
If you want to look at an entity that you are using for a task, a meeting, a project, a CRM discussion, feedback, etc., it is essential to be able to have these types of updates around these type of work entities you can create in Fibery. Or, even stuff like a feature of a software system, something you can also track well in Fibery. It’s very typical to use the comments area to write updates to all these types of entities.
So if you can’t see those comments in the search index, you are running at a huge disadvantage with your knowledge management within Fibery, because a good deal of content is left out of the index.
A lot of the more established wiki tools like Confluence have bespoke inclusion of comments in their search. Dev tools like Clubhouse/Shortcut do it. Wrike and ClickUp to it. Etc. etc. However as I stated a while back, Notion DOES NOT do this…yet. They recent revamped their comments, and they have stated in support that they intend to index ALL of notion, including things like images in fields in their pages. So again, really opportunity for Fibery here to get ahead of things.
I guess I will continue to wait and hope for more support for enriched comments, such as giving them unique ID’s, adding threads and the ability to resolve them, showing a list of “sent” @mentions in comments, so you can keep track of when you mention a colleague and whether that colleague actually responded to your comment, etc. etc. It would appear that we don’t have that many teams yet using Fibery the way mine does - as an essential work and project management tool. Because I’d think at least somebody else here in the forum would pick up and support this request. Comments in Fibery are really borderline primitive without improvement right now, and I can’t imagine any team that is coming from an established work management tool isn’t reliant on comments as a cornerstone of whatever tool they choose. And Fibery right now doesn’t offer industry-grade commenting.
Thanks for listening!