Q: What are your top 3 missing things/features in Fibery?

As a side note, perhaps this topic is of interest?

@Chr1sG - I think we are already 90% of the way to being able to do what @ento wants, with the existing Card view:

  1. Create a new Task States DB to represent all the various custom States (Columns) that a Task can have. The entities in this States DB represent the various States that a Task can be in ā€“ i.e. the Columns that anyone might want to use in a Tasks Card View.

  2. Tasks get a new many-to-many relation to this Task States DB

  3. Make a Tasks Rule to automatically link the appropriate Task State(s) to each Task.

  4. We need the capability for Card views to Filter Columns by a To-Many relation - entities (ROWS) can currently be filtered by a to-many relation, but COLUMNS cannot.
    Card view can already filter which Task States (Columns) should be displayed, via the manually-applied ā€œHide Columnā€ option ā€“ but this capability needs to be extended to the My Filters / Columns section so it can be customizable per-User.

  5. Additionally, a manual re-ordering of the Card view Columns should optionally be remembered per-user.

Ah, found the star button! The order of favorite items in the sidebar appears to be the order in which you clicked on the button, which might be fine for my use case. Iā€™ll try using that for task tracking.

It just occurred to me that I could make a private Space with a personal status database with a 1:n relationship to tasks. Then, I can make a board that pulls in tasks Iā€™m interested in and set the columns to use the status database. Tasks without a personal status will show up in the ā€œNo Statusā€ lane. However, having been purely a solo user of Fibery, Iā€™m not sure how relations to a database in a private Space will show up on the shared Space side to collaborators.

A database of personal notes and other fields could be done similarly with a 1:1 relationship set up against the task database. However, in this case, Iā€™m not seeing an ergonomic way of creating a view that shows all tasks that donā€™t yet have a corresponding row in the notes database and also shows fields from the notes database. I donā€™t know if Iā€™d put this as one of my top 3 missing features in Fibery, but being able to extend an existing database in an ad-hoc throwaway manner could be potentially powerfulā€¦? (Unless itā€™s already possible of course; Iā€™ve been dipping in and out of Fibery and havenā€™t explored all its features nor kept up with the feature releases.)

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What other users can see/do depends on their permissions. If your space is ā€˜No accessā€™ for everybody else, they wonā€™t see your ā€˜personal statusā€™ entities.

You can use a filter (on any view) to show only tasks that are not yet linked to a ā€˜noteā€™ entity.

Not sure what youā€™re trying to achieve.
If you do filter to show only tasks that do not have a linked note, then what is the point of showing fields from the note database? I mean, you can create lookup fields in the task database to show fields from the linked ā€˜noteā€™ but they will be empty :thinking:

In built direct messaging (Slack alternative inside Fibery).


Clickup created a Chat view type that I found helpful for creating discussion channels. The view is a large comments section.
It would be amazing to see this functionality in Fibery


Love the emphasis on notifications/comments - basically being able to talk as a team inside Fibery - @webinit and @helloitse! Canā€™t resist a chance to make another plug for indexing comments in search, my current top need!


For me file upload, end-to-end encryption, better calendar UI/UX, in particular for timeblocking tasks in the calendar.

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We are slowly moving and adding many things mentioned here.
Latest of them is Gallery view.

And cool Tables are on their way here :slight_smile: