Polymorphic relations. When creating relation, ability to have many Types from which to choose, and not just one Type

Hi Michael,

I just wanted to resurface this and I’m wondering if you guys have any update on your plans re: Polymorphic, if nothing else just to confirm it is still on your Roadmap, as I am seeing increasing benefit from it as I build out my Fibery instance.

On particular use is a “Work” app I have that I’m housing types of “tasks” in. I have about 7 types of Tasks now, and could add some still as the need arises, things like:

  • Dev Task
  • QA Task
  • Meeting
  • “Regular” task (ie “take out the trash”)
  • Incident
  • Conversation (used in CRM & Feedback Mgmt)

I have all these tasks in one app as they all represent “work.” However, each has somewhat different attributes, so its very useful to have them in different types to be able to configure each individually. This is a huge benefit of Fibery.

However, I frequently want to relate these to my “Execution” app where “Projects” live. Each type can be part of a project. In order do do this though, I have to have a one-to-many “Connections” Type relation to each Type in my Project. So that is 7 relation fields. With Polymorphic, this would be beautifully simplified:

  • I only need the one field to have all types of “work” related;
  • I could see in just one “Connections” area all the types of work with their various colors, type icons, etc. This would be a masterful view within Fibery!

So just wanted to mention this and find out if you guys are able, can you share anything about your plans re: Polymorphic.
