November 17, 2022 / Form View 😍, Timeline and Calendar relation Views

I’m so thrilled with where forms are at!

My top five, scratch that, six next requests (for now, possibly posted in the wrong place, probably already on a list, and in order):

  1. Filter relation drop downs based on a formula or filter (ex. don’t show events in the drop down that are in the past (Done) based on the Workflow status or date. For my use case, it would be very helpful to narrow the list down to one event type and status. :smile:
  2. Conditional logic for hiding/filling fields (do you ever foresee adding multiple pages to a form? I only have a couple use cases but am curious.)
  3. Now that it is more public facing, the need for week start on Sunday and 12-hour time is greater where I live.
  4. Payment integration (Stripe for me)
  5. Custom CSS
  6. Different embed codes in Share button

Thank you for prioritizing this feature as it will greatly reduce integration/entry time and move all of us one more step to using Fibery for everything we possibly can.