Monthly breakdown of summed number field in table-style report?

I’m sure it’s possible, I’m just find the reporting tools really confusing so I’m hoping for a little help.

Trying to create a table-style report on how many Hours (field) have been logged under a Project (entity), by month. Hours is a field on an Iteration (entity). Iterations have a Date (field) in a specific month. Iterations are linked to Projects via a M-1 relationship.

This is what I’m hoping it would look something like:

Project Name Total Hours Hours (Jan 1 - Jan 31) Hours (Feb 1 - Feb 28) Hours (Mar 1 - Mar 31) Hours (Apr 1 - Apr 30) Hours (May 1 - May 31) Hours (Jun 1 - Jun 30) Hours (Jul 1 - Jul 31) Hours (Aug 1 - Aug 31) Hours (Sep 1 - Sept 30) Hours (Oct 1 - Oct 31) Hours (Nov 1 - Nov 30) Hours (Dec 1 - Dec 31)
Project A 12 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Project B 7 1 3 0.5 0.5 1 1
Project C 22 5 3 3 2 1 4 4

I know I can create this as a List view by creating a unique formula field for every single month on the Project database, but it seems crazy to have to do that.

You need to make use of the ‘pivot’ function.

and if you want to have the ‘unpivoted’ sum as well, that’s possible:


Amazing, thank you!