Mapping links in imported content into Fibery links/references

Here’s what I would suggest, with the Obsidian import as an example:

Import the various text files (as is) into a Docs DB as you suggest.

Write an automation script something like this:

const fibery = context.getService('fibery');

//get the whole schema
const schema = await fibery.getSchema();
//get the entity type
const typeName = args.currentEntities[0].type;
// filter the schema for the specific type and get the spacename and database id
const namespace = schema['typeObjects'].filter((obj) => == typeName)[0]['nameParts']['namespace'];
const databaseID = schema['typeObjects'].filter((obj) => == typeName)[0]['id']
//get all documents in the database (assumes DB is called Doc)
const allDocs = await fibery.graphql(namespace, "{ findDocs{ id, name }}");

//create a lookup table that matches entity names to 'mentions'
//the mentions are constructed from the database id and the entity id 
const lookupTable = allDocs['data']['findDocs'].reduce((obj, item) => (obj[] = "[[#^" + databaseID + "/" + + "]]", obj), {});

//for each entity
for (const entity of args.currentEntities) {
    //get the contents of the Description field (change to suit)
    const textToUpdate = await fibery.getDocumentContent(entity['Description']['Secret']);
    //check for not null doc
    if (textToUpdate !== null) {
        //look for substrings that match the Obsidian formatting (as exported from Fibery)
        //Note: Fibery escapes the [ and ] characters with backspaces, so we are looking for
        //  \[\[Title of obsidian document\]\]
        //and the regex needs to escape these characters!
        const replacementText = textToUpdate.replace(/\\\[\\\[[^\\\]]+\\\]\\\]/g, (match, key) => {
            //trim to get the title to be looked up (remove the \[\[ and \]\] bits )
            const title = match.replace(/\\\[\\\[|\\\]\\\]/g, '');
            //if a match exists in the lookupTable, then replace
            return lookupTable[title] !== undefined
                ? lookupTable[title]
                : match;
        //write the resultant text back to the Description field
        await fibery.setDocumentContent(entity['Description']['Secret'], replacementText)

I hope the comments explain what it is doing.

I suggest running the script on a couple of sample Obsidian docs to check it works, then doing all your Obsidian docs.

Then you will probably have to experiment a bit to get the right regex for Quip and Notion, but hopefully you can figure these out.
Adding some console logging will no doubt make it easier to debug :wink:
If not, come back to the community and we’ll help :slight_smile:

You might want to read this topic to see why the lookupTable is formatted the way it is:

Entity mentions work similarly to comments, but use [[#^xxxxxx/yyyyyy]] instead.