Improved filters on table views (and probably other views too)

The first frustration for me is that as the architect of my system, it is not possible to restrict the fields that other users can select in personal filter. there are certain fields that I have which are helper fields, for example one that detects duplicates. this means that when users are applying a filter them must scroll through irrelevant fields to find the fields that they need. It makes me very very hesitant to create too many relationship fields or helper fields.

I would like to choose which fields are available for other users to apply as a personal filter.

The next request is that it be possible to have commonly used filters pinned to the top of the view, this is possible in Fibery but the button only turns the pinned filter on or off. In air table, I can a pin a field filter to the top of the view, that when a user clicks on it, they can directly input the values they are wanting to filter by.


I was just think about this a few days ago—I agree that this would be so powerful and help massively with usability. We have a lot of fields that general users don’t need to see. Being able to pin filters that can be changed via a dropdown would be a gamechanger.


Hi Bronn, great to hear this could be a good feature, I agree it would change the experience massively, fingers crossed that others agree and upvote! :slight_smile:

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Love the suggestion here and it would improve a lot the usability of views :sparkles:

I added a feedback related to this here when the new features related to filter were released: Feedback Needed: Quick filters - #38 by Renato_Carvalho

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Hi Renato, I’ve had a quick read of your post, I thought perhaps you could share some screenshots and description of the notion functionality that you like? And that might give the Fibery team some inspiration.