Improved Database management dashboard

For a bit more complex projects like I have, management of spaces and databases becomes an a bit of a challenge. I currently have a space with 40 databases and entity types with 20 fields, and growing. The reason for adding all databased together is that mangement of them is a bit easier, and to reduce the amount of spaces in the left column.
With a big database of many fields, the table becomes very wide with many columns, and having overview of all fields is difficult, one needs to scroll horizontally a lot.

What I can imagine is a central databases management dashboard that shows all databases in the workspace, of all spaces, that allows easy adding of removing of fields.

Can we introduce grouping of Databases in some way, so that this UI becomes more manageable?

I think your use case is rather rare. Most people do like to group dbs into spaces, and our data shows that only 0.84% of spaces contain 10 or more databases, and 0.01% contain 40 or more(!)
I don’t think we will address this problem any time soon.

Perhaps we need to look at these specific issues first.
For example, what are the actions that you need to take repeatedly for multiple spaces?
How many spaces do you think is reasonable to show in the left menu, and are you not able to make use of the ‘Hidden spaces’ option to store spaces that you use less frequently?

Because I think the database management dashboard overload indeed has also to do with limitations of the spaces and space organization, I created a new topic to answer your questions: