Fibery integration with Survey Monkey or similar

USE CASE: As part of my mahi/work, I need to build place-based, shared values-based communities. An essential part of this work, is that after conversations/meetings etc I need to propose an idea that will hopefully meet everyone’s aspirations, and get feedback to hone the scope for that idea. This involves sending a survey, using a tool such as SurveyMonkey.

It would be amazing if I could:

  1. In Fibery: create study, create survey templates (will vary by the sub-community I am engaging with, for example neurodiverse, or ethnic, or environmental, or indigenous)
  2. In SurveyMonkey or other: push out the survey(s)
  3. In Fibery: the survey responses are automatically imported to:
  • in contacts, appearing in the notes section, as q&A for the responses they gave (or didn’t)
  • in segment, appearing in the notes section, as questions and collated answers for the individuals contacts associated with that segment, who responded to the survey
  • in study, appearing in the notes section, as all questions (from multiple segments), and collated answers to each section (linked to the contacts who provided that survey response)

How would I go about making this happen? Is it already a possibility? or do I need to make a feature request? I am happy to be a beta on this!!!

Much love


Having more survey input types on Fibery Form View could possibly solve this and allow you to discontinue SurveyMonkey entirely, which is why I love Fibery and continue to use it for everything I can. Or maybe you haven’t played with the form view in Fibery and those would suit your needs.

My top requests:

  1. Allow single-select fields to be displayed as radio buttons versus a drop down.
  2. Allow multi-select fields to be displayed as checkmarks versus a drop down.
  3. Allow number fields to be displayed as a slider with the ability to add names on the scale for reference, such as Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Agree, Strongly Agree.
  4. Add conditional logic to hide or unhide fields based on previous field input.
  5. Allow rich-text fields to be set to read only which hides the field name but allows you to add helpful (nicely formatted) breaks to the form. Similar to the form header description.
  6. Collect IP address of respondent.

As always, keep up the great work Fibery team! Some days I don’t know how I got along before Fibery, that’s how great of a tool I feel it is.

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