External action integration setup is broken?

Would be great to have some example of how to create external action integration.
I have tried to create an external action integration and after adding it I get stuck on this screen:

There are no errors and I’m kinda clueless at this stage of what is wrong. Wondering if it’s an issue with integration or something wrong with integration?

After fiddling with response a bit I noticed that when I specify:

 authentication: [
            id: "none",
            name: "Public Access",
            description: "There is no any authentication required",

It breaks.

If I change id to public it allows me to go to next step where it get stuck because it seem to think I’m doing data synchronization.

Hello, @tpaktop

As I understood you are trying to build app for automations to allow execute your external actions. We don’t have this functionality documented yet. Will add the documentation in nearest future.


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Yes, correct. I’d like to add external action to use as no code action on a button.
I followed this documentation
Is it incorrect ?

Unfortunately, none auth does not work properly for synchronisations. It’s a bug, we will fix it. Thank you for reporting

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Right, is there a workaround for now I can use ?
I have too many ideas for external actions :sunny: I’d love to implement.

So i went around and created an integration with authentication. Instead of using auth: none it uses proper token auth.
However, actions are still not being picked up:
Here is the full config:

  "id": "toggl-app",
  "name": "Toggl",
  "version": "0.0.1",
  "description": "Integrate data from Toggl time tracker into Fibery",
  "authentication": [
      "description": "Please provide toggl authentication",
      "name": "Token",
      "id": "key",
      "fields": [
          "type": "password",
          "name": "Integration Token",
          "description": "Provide Toggl API Integration Token",
          "id": "key"
          "type": "link",
          "value": "https://www.toggl.so/help/create-integrations-with-the-toggl-api",
          "description": "We need to have your toggl Integration Token to synchronize the data.",
          "id": "key-link",
          "name": "Read how to create integration, grant access and create token here..."
  "responsibleFor": {
    "dataSynchronization": true,
    "automations": true
  "actions": {
    "action": "test-action-from-toggl",
    "name": "Test Action from Toggl",
    "description": "Test action from toggl integration",
    "args": []
  "sources": []

I presume I should see an action in creating new button or adding a rule interface as possible actor to perform. However, it doesn’t seem to appear there.
Any clue ?

Hi, @tpaktop

actions should be defined as an array. So it should something like

"actions": [{
    "action": "test-action-from-toggl",
    "name": "Test Action from Toggl",
    "description": "Test action from toggl integration",
    "args": []

Also make sure you have changed the version of app since app configuration is cached.

Thanks for the quick reply @Oleg
I did try again with new version and actions changed to array.
Here is live version of that branch.
The source code of the config.

I still don’t see action appear:

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Hi, @tpaktop

I tested your config and it works good for me.

Please try to change version and press update app url button.

2023-02-21 13.51.13

It does indeed. Must have been caching. After I changed the url AND updated the app url it did work. :love_you_gesture:

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