Enhancements for "text tables" within Rich Text

Dear @Polina_Zenevich and Fibery team,

Please consider the following requests and observations to make editing Rich Text “text tables” a more efficient, predictable and enjoyable experience :pray:

  1. REQUEST: New behavior for Ctrl+A when cursor is within a table cell:
  • 1st time should select just the contents of the current cell
  • 2nd time should select the entire table
  • 3rd time should select the entire Rich Text
    cursor DOWN moves through the current cell one line at a time before moving to the first line of the next row, which makes sense, BUT:
    cursor UP moves from the first line of a cell up to the FIRST line of the cell above;
    it should instead move up to the LAST line of the cell above.

  2. WEIRD: When an entire cell is selected, cursor UP moves to an unpredictable location of the cell, and cursor DOWN moves to an unpredictable location in the “next” cell.
    Ideally when an entire cell is selected, cursor UP moves to the beginning of the current cell (which becomes un-selected), and cursor DOWN moves to the end of the current cell (which becomes un-selected).

  3. WEIRD: If I select the entire contents of two adjoining cells in the same column, then press cursor UP, the cursor moves into the column to the right.
    I would expect it to move to the end of the cell above the selected cells.

  4. WEIRD: If I select the entire contents of two adjoining cells in the same column, then press cursor DOWN, the cursor goes to the first line of the bottom currently-selected cell.
    I would expect it to move to the beginning of the cell below the selected cells.

  5. WEIRD: When using SHIFT+DOWN to select text within the current cell, it is (often) not possible to select all the text to the end of the cell, because when the cursor moves down into the last text line in the cell, it suddenly changes to “entire cell selection” mode and jumps down to the next table row.
    Ideally text selection would first extend to the end of the current cell, before changing to “entire cell selection” mode.

  6. REQUEST: Use CTRL+ALT+[cursor-key] to move the cursor to a neighboring cell. Include SHIFT to extend selection. Ideally these keys would also do something intelligently similar when the cursor is in a Rich Text but not currently in a text table.

  7. REQUEST: When cursor is in a Rich Text but not in a text table, use TAB and SHIFT+TAB to navigate to next/previous object in the Rich Text (and into/out of text tables).
    This would make it much easier to move between text tables within a Rich Text.

  8. WEIRD: Behavior of CTRL+UP and CTRL+DOWN within a text table is a riddle wrapped in an enigma - but there is potential here.

  9. I don’t know what “Mark cell” and “Unmark cell” are for (in cell menu).

  10. REQUEST: Allow other hotkeys, like the Pane control hotkeys (e.g. ALT+O) to work when keyboard focus is in a Rich Text. Currently they do not.

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