This is a great suggestion. Would help me in many cases where I am trying to limit Types by using single-select to effectively create a few “types” within a Type. But I can’t get to that field on Entity creation, which I can do in most other apps, including Notion via their Templates in many cases of entity creation. If the dialog you suggest would pop open even a minimal pre-configured modal, for example with Required Fields (when we hopefully get that feature) to mimimalize how big the “task creation” modal is.
If you could default at least to the open View or Entity, that would make a lot of sense. I’ve noticed ClickUp does exactly this, very useful. ClickUp also has a reduced-size Task Creation modal, which helps solve the problem I’m having of needing to choose the single-select in some of my entities upon creation, but not being able to do that without a bunch of manual steps first.
Good commentary as always!