[DONE] Fullscreen for wiki docs

Will be cool to have full screen or at least wider popup.
Now it looks like this

which is not so comfortable

@Alfa_Bot It should be improved of course. We will fix it in near future.

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The focus on rapid release need to be instead diversified wiki docs , made possible via plano,io , better fibery see help guide model as user consumer wiki integrated to support , feed back , , make one power user case wiki dream that will have all the nearly 20 input wiki page of same pages , as fiberely already being sone with sucess , make posible integrated interactive smart wiki all in one integrated to 02 app each now have comercial values guide of knowdge base help desk app worth 5 us dolar min upto 20 , knowledge base(KB) team buidings easily , instead email type sprint integration as per your future item as ticket administration model , this one very expensive too , not wiki has more input and out too 15 min us dollar , need automation , integration rules to . The integrated report making user story instance can be community updates, support pull tracker , and feed back well integrated , unlike simple isolated feedback wiki , blog, wiki doc .May be fiberly sites dream utopian several futures this well not too many app entity , field get lost focus, too much time spends , the goal , strategy fails with many sprints , many ideas , without user based customer based not all in one , but massive use of spead sheet small business workspace , work flow , sprint issues solved by a small team fibery , but many app all isolated .More user builts integration , more comercial sucess , this is how zoho.com go compete with google , microsoft using high school fresh motivated team , getting exper help , user integrates app via easy synthesis , integrated apps become comercial high value for zoho.creatores. Isolated app are just forms , no values free to all , but integrated app high vaue , why not user build too, analise too .The google too integrated app , need to have better value to save time to user with UX .Fibery team support is indeed a tool, already validated , good UX interface model, Make this product feature to embed tables texts , images , track updates sprints , folder sprints integration of I tried , but failed, web hook integration , easier old one too can push as being done google sites , very few user know this .

We’ve added Document view into Fibery, so you can create Document in every App. It is full screen by default. Old Document model in Wiki will be deprecated.

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Does that mean the wiki app itself will be deprecated?

Now I noticed what you mean. It’s good to be able to add a document wherever. But it’s also good to be able to have collections of documents that don’t fit under an app.


Thanks @Pagandai_V_Pannirsel if project is understood as an road map soutions to issues and problems , this as an examole can help how to obtain okr , goals made via app https://plan.io/ see examp0les the very expensives
thus an simple demo of start up to integrates notesof topics colectively by user members , later reiwed uproved vioa idea exchages , later revioed aproved by creato based on their comments via discuros , finaly done all validation of normes violted in reviews , acetted as wiki docks can be very good note wiki , task collaborations , thgis what automation of task initialy the last part , see here the comerical product how high vale this progouct is https://plan.io/
as mentioned by @Pagandai_V_Pannirsel. It is the time now have demo of not isolated , but integrated app m