[DONE] Form View and required fields

To me key features of a form would be ones that enable the user to complete a workflow in a self guided way. I want to be able to say “Hey new client/user/worker please complete this Onboarding Form” and they should be able to complete it without additional instructions from me.

The bare minimum features would have to be:

  • What is the form for (title, rich text description),
  • What is each field for (title, rich text description),
  • Input validation (required field, must match this Regex)

Advanced features that would make Fibery native Forms powerful:

Value must be unique requirement - checking if any other records in the DB have the same value for that form field

Conditional logic - being able to make certain fields show/hide or required/optional based on the input provided in a prior field allowing to automatically hide/skip irrelevant questions. This is how Typeform does it:

Prefill a form using URL parameters - meaning if I have a form for creating new Contact records with the URL https://the.fibery.io/Contacts/The-Form you can prefill the Name and Email fields in the form using the URL like this https://the.fibery.io/Contacts/The-Form?name=John+Smith&email=jsmith@gmail.com This is enormously useful when paired with hidden fields for things like:

  • referral tracking - generating form links with a hidden prefilled ID field
  • if its shared publicly, being able to note where or with who it was shared
  • providing additional conditionality for triggered automations