I’m able to sum the Items related to a specific Category but I’m not able to filter by Budget. I want to build a List view that shows the total per Category and per Budget.
The following screenshot shows the Items per Category and per Budget. On the right side, you can see the calculation of the total cost of every Item per Budget and per Category.
At a Budget level, I want the Cost calculation of every Item for this Budget. This currently works.
– For Budget 2025 : test2 + test3 = 50$.
– For Budget 2026 : test + test4 + test6 = 100$
At a Category level, I want the Cost calculation of every Item for this Category and for this Budget. This currently don’t works and that’s what I’m trying to solve. The calculation do not take into account the Budget, only the Category. So if I have different Items on different Budgets but on the same Category, I’m not able to do the difference.
The result of Category A on Budget 2025 should be 30$. But as the calculation don’t take into account the Budget, it takes the Cost value of test3 and test4, that’s why the result is 100$ instead of 30$ on Budget 2025 and 70$ on Budget 2026.
I don’t know if I’m doing wrong my relations or if there is something I don’t know how to do on formula.
This should be something as simple as Items.Sum(Value)
where Value is the name of the currency field in the Items db.
Not sure why your formula needs to be so complicated.
Categories don’t know anything about Budgets.
If you look at Category A, you seem to be asking that in one part of the view (2025) the formula amount should be $30 whereas in another part of the view (2026) the formula amount should be $70.
Formula fields can only show a single unique value, no matter where this field appear in a view.
That’s what I can see currently so yes, it should be a bug if you say that’s not correct.
You’re right, I changed the formula.
Just to explain a little bit more the Use Case, I want to create a Budget every year. Every Category can be used in every Budget and in every Item. Every year we create new Items. The Items of older Budget aren’t modified nor deleted.
So if I understand correctly what you said, it means that I only have the following options :
I need to renounce in calculating the Cost per Category for a specific Budget and just create a Single Select field to select my category.
Re-create every Category for every Budget (with different names).
I don’t understand how you think doing #1 will help.
So, i think you can either do #2 or you can use a report view to show the numbers (which is actually what I would recommend).
If you use a report, you can have a table, with Items name as one column, grouped by Budget, and then a column for Value, with a pivot for Category.
#1 won’t help but according to your answers, I will not be able to do what I need
Unfortunately the report will not help too. I really want to have this information on a Board or List view as shown on the screenshot. But it’s ok, I will live without it for now.
Because the final Budget will not be on Fibery but on a spreadsheet. And having this information at a view level will permit to do the comparisons and check if all has been correctly reported on the spreadsheet.
In this Use Case, Fibery will serve as an intermediate for members to submit their budget. Then the boss will report the requests of every one on the spreadsheet.