Confusing image embed behavior because of iFramely

Before the implementation of iFramely in rich text fields, simply pasting a link to an external image url and hitting return, resulted in the image to be embedded in the rich text field.

After the implementation of iFramely, an image url pasted in a rich text fields results in a popup with options “Dismiss” and “Create Embed”, the latter results in an iFramely embed, which is very specific and also limited to a number of iFramely compatible media providers.

The problem is that a simple image link, such as an Imgur image link, is forced to use iFramely, and results in either:

  • nothing because the target URL does not support iFramely, not even in compatibility mode
  • or a compatibility mode iframe
  • or results in an iFramely iframe

I want the simple image url to image embed feature back, which appears now inaccessible.

However, after some trying I found a hidden way to still accomplish it:
Hit the ‘Dismiss’ option, and that results in a clickable link. then hover over it, remove the link, which results in a URL. Than after the URL hit Enter, and then the ‘normal’ behavior happens: the image link is now an image embed.

Can we get a third option in the link menu ‘simple image embed’?

Here is the current (problematic) behavior:

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