Collapse expand Feed item when ctrl-clicking on the title

Feeds show the complete rich text field and if that contains lot of text, the feed cannot be easily managed through scrolling to the next items. One solution would be to allow collapse expand by clicking on the title of the feed item. Currently clicking on the title results in the right panel to open the entity, which functionality needs to be retained. So what could be a solution is to Ctrl-click the title to make it collapse/expand, while just clicking on it would open up the second panel.

Maybe by default show only the first n lines, and add a “See more” link, e.g.:


Both mentioned options would help a lot.
I would love to be able to define the first n characters to be shown. (see more)

The user should also be able to collapse /open feed items (e. g. to unclutter long lists).

In addition to that a configuration to collapse / uncollapse by default would be super helpful. A simple check field from the source entity could define whether an entity is collapsed or open by default within the feed.

This would enhance the great feed view very much

Ya the way information display overwhelms myself a lot. Some thing my feed view just for 1 week only I have to scroll down a lot to the right point where I wanna find