CHANGELOG: Sep 12 / Slack app, "Entity linked" trigger, Permissions for select Fields

Slack app: notifications + /fibery command

“Every person need to open Slack and auth. Is it possible to generalise it? Without every person auth? So far have to ask one of co-founders to auth Slack. Crazy…”

Fibery🤝Slack integration has been here for a while — we’ve simplified the connection and packed all the functionality into a single app.

Here’s what’s changed in a nutshell:

  1. Once an Admin connects Fibery and Slack workspaces, the integration starts working for all users without each one having to authenticate.
  2. Notifications are delivered to Fibery app instead of your DM. This means you are free not only to turn notifications on/off in Fibery but also to tweak settings within Slack.
  3. All the /fibery functionality including creating Entities and posting vacations now reside in the same app.

If you use Slack, please connect it to Fibery using this direct link or via the updated notification settings:

We will deprecate the old integration in a few weeks — please migrate to the new shiny app.

“Entity linked/unlinked” trigger in Rules

Now Automation Rules can react to one Entity being linked to another:

Here are a few cases when this trigger saves the day:

  1. Inherit something from a parent to a child with an option to override it later (unlike when using a Lookup Field). For example, when a Task is linked to a Story, put it in the same Sprint.
  2. Sync comments to Slack/Teams channel.
  3. Notify assignees via a custom mechanism if you don’t really respect email or Slack within your company.

The trigger is all-encompassing and includes these events as well:

  • Comment added
  • Someone is assigned
  • Multi-select option selected

Stricter permissions for single- and multi-select Fields

Previously, any Editor (our most popular access level) could rename or delete a select option. This has led to users inadvertently messing with workflows, breaking integrations, and deleting a lot of data with a couple of clicks.

Selects are essentially auxiliary Types and options are Entities — the extra “freedom” came as a side effect, not a conscious design decision. But the freedom is over :imp:

  1. Only Creators can edit and delete single- and multi-select options.
  2. A toggle in the Field settings specifies if non-Creators can add new options.
  3. A User who created an option is able to edit and delete it later (ex. correct a typo).


As a bonus, now deleted options can be restored via the audit log.

:sparkles: Small improvements

  • When invited, a new user is shown relevant login methods only.
  • If an invite link has expired, there is a handy option to generated a new one.
  • When a Field used in a Rule’s trigger or filter is deleted, the Rule is automatically disabled and its creator is notified.
  • Group permissions are now available on the Company plan only, as advertised from the start.
  • Discourse integration supports Tags now.

:shrimp: Fixed bugs

  • Losing focus when filling in a text field and then opening linked entity.
  • Hubspot: data contains special symbols and can’t be processed.
  • Automations: date range does not work in template markdown.
  • Automations: unable to open Button/Rule settings in case Type used in actions has been deleted.
  • Error on adding a Type with the same name in case any relation exists.
  • Connect button should be hidden for non-admins in Slack, Integromat & Zapier templates
  • Automations: ‘User Created’ trigger does not run on new user creation.
  • “Oops…” error on Timeline once selecting Lane.
  • Error if try to update single-/multi-select right after creation.

That is sad :pensive:

We have to differentiate plans somehow… This is a sane differentiator from our opinion.

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Could you please share how you use Groups with less than 20 people in the Workspace here or via Intercom?

Maybe, we’ll think of something :ghost: