CHANGELOG: November 17 / Some improvements (Intercom, Smart Folders, App Sharing) and Bug Fixes

:butterfly: Improvements

  • Smart Folders: Context Views are App dependent now. It means if you create some Context View in one App, it will not be visible in another App. Let’s say, in Product Management App you want to see Products and Features Board relate to Products, and in Software Dev. App you want to see Products and Bugs related to Products (but don’t see Features Board).
  • Smart Folders: Sync Views between left menu and Documents/Whiteboards extensions. It means if you see some Documents inside Idea entity, the same document will be visible in left menu in Smart Folders.
  • App Sharing: Reports are included in a shared App. Now you can create reports and they all will be installed from the shared App template.
  • Intercom integration has OAuth now, so it is much easier to connect. Like possible to connect now.
  • Intercom integration has near real-time update on new replies, so you don’t have to wait to link feedback to some Ideas and Features.

:shrimp: Fixed bugs

  • Action Button: createEntity function returns a confusing array
  • Action Button: “AddComment” api does not work in buttons anymore
  • Action Button API: make fields of entities case-insensitive
  • Table View: Unit Component of undefined error when creating a new row
  • Permissions are reset after app rename
  • Cannot filter by multiple states on a Board with multiple Types
  • Unable to change the status of integration type via DnD on boards
  • Formula changes decimal precision automatically
  • JS error for context views that used to belong to entities of deleted type
  • Zapier: work after Type or App rename
  • Zapier: actions work after Field rename
  • Zapier: exclude action buttons from the list of Fields to map


  • Smart Folders: Context Views are App dependent now. It means if you create some Context View in one App, it will not be visible in another App. Let’s say, in Product Management App you want to see Products and Features Board relate to Products, and in Software Dev. App you want to see Products and Bugs related to Products (but don’t see Features Board).

I can’t really understand this improvement (maybe not smart folders?)
Could you provide us with an example screenshot?


Here is the case. Note that all views are related to a single product, but visible in relevant app only.

aaaaaaah - that makes sense :wink:
Thank you!

Are you considering doing the same fix for multiple Smart Folders within the same App?

Did not think about it. Do you have a real case where it can be useful?

Well, my use case might be a little tricky to explain, but in general, if the structure of types within an app is not a simple hierarchy, it is sometimes useful to set up multiple smart folders to provide different views on entities.
So for example, in the usability template, there is already a smart folder that shows Tests and Participants, but I might want to add a second smart folder that shows Tests, Tasks and Attempts, for example.
If I have two smart folders, that are both configured to show Tests, then the views for Tests in these two smart folders cannot be different.

Also, if I take the existing smart folder in the template and enable Tasks and Attempts, the Attempts sit under Tasks, but could just as easily sit under Participants.

I’d be happy to discuss my use case but i suspect it won’t be very interesting to most users on this forum :wink:

This great smart folder views, reports , our eng no code 1 year was the feature , delayed , see how notion try to integrate kill three product via import . The much used note taking user frienly input data , simple import from competetive evernote , one note . The other important app use thois notes into wiki, the thir is colaboration workspace ,
Thus user story , views , repors , was delayed , as these too crm too . Thus masive use of fibery , not only limited prof , creaters , elites but also as simple project of any one need to his task inito project need to made possibles too more competive price all its userfriendly items too .Thus one get lost not able to make his ideo to practical project yet via fibery, The next user sucess can boost up masive innovative app , fibery become platform for innovative app