CHANGELOG: May 12 / Full-text search, Cumulative reports (Burn up/down, CFD), Full width documents

Really disappointed for this and want to add a huge +1 for it, perhaps we need a new separate request? One of the reasons I am not in Notion vs. being here in Fibery is that Notion also doesn’t index comments in search. @Oshyan and I have talked about a lot how Fibery is weak in the collaborative areas such as notifications, etc. We use comments a ton, as it’s a great way for us to try to reduce use of Slack and Email, and accomplish the huge goal of a team using just one tool for all its needs. So not to be able to look around in search for a comment of yours in the past continues to be a huge limitation, really sad this wasn’t in the full text release!

In fact, we often use Comments over Rich Text to even build out Entities. This is because:

  • Comments show by whom and when something was written
  • you can have a sort of dialog back-and-forth in comments, which is very helpful for collaboration. Using inline comments is much less useful as you can’t see the comments easily at a glance, they disappear if resolved, etc. We could really use however Threaded Comments

All of the better tools I’ve used index comments, so I’m really hoping this won’t be long before you guys do so, too. I can’t imagine not having comments indexed and trying to continue to go all in with Fibery.
