CHANGELOG: Dec 2 / Entity finder for automation formulas, Prevent infinite loops in formulas

:eyes: Entity query finder for automation formulas

Now you can use queries to find entities from any database in automation rules or action buttons. It is very useful when the value should be set dynamically. For example, current sprint or next sprint can be found and set for a user story sprint field.

For example, you can move all open stories to the next sprint with a single click:

This query finds the next sprint:

Sprints.Filter((Dates.Start() > Today()) and ([Step 1 Sprint].Dates.End() < Dates.Start())).Sort(Dates.Start(), false).First()

Do not forget to use Sort and First at the end of the query to select one value for setting one-to-one relations.

More queries examples:

Sprints.Filter(Dates.Start() <= Today() and Dates.End() >= Today()).Sort().First()

Sprints.Filter([Step 1 Sprint].StartDate < StartDate).Sort(StartDate).First()


:dragon: Prevent infinite loops in Formulas

We’ve improved incorrect and broken formulas identification. Now Fibery:

  • Disables broken and looping Formulas
  • Shows that Formula is disabled in editor
  • Notifies Admins when Formula is disabled

:shrimp: Fixed Bugs

  • Rich edit: Undo doesn’t work correctly in table
  • Rich edit: Focus is getting lost when a user adds or deletes a column or a row in the table, so undo doesn’t work
  • Rich edit: An error if a user deletes a point in the list in some case
  • Table View: Non-creators are able to Hide columns
  • Automations: Misleading counter in activity log
  • Automations: Error when an action doesn’t return any object in the conditions
  • Sometimes Space import fails by timeout
  • Board View: empty string in text field is not filtered with “IsEmpty” filter