Card Customization in Board, Timeline & Cal

Cards are used in many cases/views, and even though card size presets are useful, layout is still very rigid. The result is a lot of wasted space in the interface plus significant lack of information context in everything but the ‘Full’ layout. This carries a very heavy usability cost.

Customizable card layouts would be a huge improvement. This could be similar to how Aha does its cards. You can choose which elements go where within the card in a drag and drop layout window.


More layout precision = more speed and efficiency + less noise = more joy and achievement.

Creating this feature would add a huge amount of value and drastically reduce UX friction. The feature could generalize across Boards, Timelines, Calendars, and potentially other views. Its customizability would lend to dropping cards into reports and other usecases since they would become more universal first-class objects.

Note this is somewhat similar to Improve and Expand Card Layout Across Views yet I believe it’s more specific and generalizes more effectively across the platform. Happy to do some UX calls on this if needed.