After inviting someone as a guest, I am able to link them in the people field. Even though it is set to share automatically, it does not share the entity with them, I need to it manually. Works with workspace member, but not with guests.
This is expected, sorry for not communicating this clearly. I’ve added this info to the user guide.
If we allow Guests to receive access automatically, it would be too easy to abuse the functionality. I won’t share the details, just in case , but you could pay for just one seat and use Fibery with an unlimited number of people.
Fair enough! Thanks for updating the guide! I wrote more about thoughts on guests on the other post. I think this links to it. My use case here is assigning an video editor to a project. The video editor is external, and this makes me need to assign twice, (and can result in inconsistency). Not the end of the world, but wanted to share the use case.
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