Arrow for whiteboard


I love everything about the whiteboard, but it would be super helpful to have an arrow shape or something, I am currently using the pen to draw arrows from notes/cards/sections to specific spots on a image I embed, and that works. But it would be nice if there was something built in that maybe kept positioning if I moved the image, like the connection arrows do.

I am using it for interior design parts for feedback/note taking.


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We plan to add an asset panel with a collection of icons and emojis to the whiteboard, which will also include various types of arrows.


Will the “tail” of the arrow be able to be adjusted?

It’s important to have a line shape/object that can have an arrowhead on the end of it and a simple icon or emoji just isn’t the same.

Understood. You can place the basic line with arrow to any place on the picture and it will be attached to that point. Does it make sense?


Yes, thanks!