Feature Request:
As a regular user, I frequently need to search within documents while editing content. The standard keyboard shortcut CMD+F (or CTRL+F for Windows) is a fundamental text editing feature that’s currently missing.
I guess this issue is bigger for folks who use the Desktop app.
Current Situation:
No way to quickly search for specific text within a document
Users have to manually scroll and scan for content
Makes editing and reviewing longer documents inefficient (now I have to copy the content, paste on another text editing tool, do the search, replace, adjusts and then paste back on Fibery)
Request Details:
Implement standard text search functionality
Use universal keyboard shortcuts (CMD+F for Mac, CTRL+F for Windows)
Include basic search features like case sensitivity and “find next”
Impact: This would significantly improve the editing experience, especially for longer documents, and align with users’ expectations from other text editing tools.
Note: While Search and Replace would be a valuable addition, I’m focusing this request specifically on the search functionality to keep the scope focused and implementation straightforward.
This is specifically and only in the Desktop Apps, right? Because otherwise it’s handled by web browser text search, which is varying degrees of good (e.g. some offer Match Case, Whole Word, or other options, while some are super simple and just have a text entry and next/previous match buttons). I agree with the request, I just want the title to be as accurate as possible. So if this just applies to the native apps the title should reflect that IMO.
The desktop app is pretty solid but what it misses from the browser is a simple Ctrl + F search which is crucial when looking at a list and trying to easily find an item.