Interesting Chris. I recall @mdubakov some time ago in one of the monthly posts I think mentioned typical teams needing about 15 Types. You are way over that now, and I imagine plan many more! I too have felt that I could use 50 - 70 types over time. I am a seasoned veteran of Jira, which thankfully I’ve been able to abandon, and I know that in Jira there are many cases of developing teams that will cultivate 10’s of “issue types,” the Jira equivalent.
Here’s what I’m talking about:
Which is from the April Chronicles:
My use case: SaaS Website with a consumer element, so:
- Software Development. One of the big draws of Fibery for me is the ability to see my platform in both the Whiteboard, and actual work items/Entities in Fibery
- Feature request management
- Product backlog prioritization
- Back office - HR, Office, etc
- And last, but very important: Intra-team Communication - big! I would love to see some of this…
…which is from this post: