What other tools do you use?

Interesting that you mention Twist. I think it would be amazing if Fibery could come up with some communication capabilities that resemble how Twist works, I’ve spoken to the team about this in fact.

One way to approach this would simply have an Entity called “Talking Point,” “Memo,” or say “Conversation.” You simple create this Entity within your team to start up a convo you might be trying to have unstructured in the likes of Slack, MS Teams, Skype, etc. I have been posting about this so here you go again :wink:

I think all Fibery would need to be able to replicate this great functionality is Threaded Comments. So something like this workflow:

  • You create a “Conversation” Entity as your Thread topic
  • You fill in some details, just like you would in Email, of what you want to tell the team about
  • With the advent of Threaded Comments, you can then have a structured conversation about it

And uniquely to Fibery

  • You can reference anything else in the tool and keep track of that with Highlights - super powerful!
  • You can relate to anything you want via buildout of Relations
  • You can resolve via Workflow extension. You can’t resolve anything in Slack it’s just a non-ending discussion in an open-ended Channel!

I have seen that in teams I participate in, these chats in tools like Slack, etc. carry a lot of chatter that is relevant, but gets lost. Slack does have a great search function - which is why I’m pushing for indexing comments in Search:

But otherwise, I think those chat tools can lead to a lot of good content and ideas lost.

Twist, and to a lesser extent Asana, are the only tools I know of that solve this by having a full topic within a “chatting” function. What I think is very key here is this gives a team a real chance to replace not just Slack, but Email.

So I would highly recommend Twist, and if you go that route, perhaps you can join me as an advocate of a similar solution right inside Fibery!!

And I will add in closing that my hope is you will need none of those other tools. Fibery should be able to handle all those needs on its own in due course!!