What is the JS version?

It doesn’t support replaceAll(), so I guess it must be Node 14 or below. Is there a way to check the exact version? And why do you not update it?

Hi Ooker,

Is there a way to check the exact version?

There is no known way. We do not allow execution of JS code in plain Node env, your code will be sandboxed. As I see it in our documentation, sandboxed process is executed with Node API more-like 12-ish version.

And why do you not update it?

We do not “own” this piece of software. I’d not expect updates in anytime soon.

Why is there no way to know this? Why doesn’t you own it?

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Why is there no way to know this?

I meant that there is no way to do it by code in the script itself, like asserting process.version. Those things just don’t available in sandbox process. Furthermore it is sandboxed in a way that only selected functions, global objects and methods are available, so it won’t be complete JS api in any case.

Why doesn’t you own it?

Let’s say we have access to source codes, however it is fairly complicated. We do not have time and resources right now to invest in it in this regard.

We have a fairly decent code completion in our JS editor, so you can see which methods are available. Could you describe what for you need the exact version?

In my understanding top-level await is supported only starting from Node 14. Why can we still use top-level await in the automation script?

const Fibery = require('fibery-unofficial');
const fibery = new Fibery({host: "YOUR_ACCOUNT.fibery.io", token: YOUR_TOKEN});

await fibery.entity.updateBatch([
    'type': 'Cricket/Player',
    'entity': {
      'fibery/id': '20f9b920-9752-11e9-81b9-4363f716f666',
      'Cricket/Full Name': 'Virat \"Chikoo\" Kohli',
      'Cricket/Current Team': { 'fibery/id': 'd328b7b0-97fa-11e9-81b9-4363f716f666' }

Also, is the sandboxed process a docker container?