The same entities playing different roles should be able to appear in the list view or board view at the same time

For example, the same entity as an employee has financial employees, administrative employees, products, and employees. I hope to see them at the same time under another entity called conference.

At the moment, it seems that I have to set up different entities for different employees, instead of setting different single-options-field for the one entity employee, which will makes my whole map very bloated and messy.

Yeah, there has been discussions around this: FRQ: Database Inheritance - #4 by Matt_Blais

At the moment, a database can only appear once amongst the various levels in a list view, so unfortunately, it is true that it can’t represent multiple relations with different meaning.
Out of interest, in the example where employees could be linked to an organisation via different relations (representing different roles) how would you imagine that the differences were visualised?
For example, if I am linked to a company as a ‘finance employee’ and my colleague is linked as an ‘admin employee’, we would both show as rows under the company - how would you be able to tell our roles apart?

p.s. if you do have multiple types of employee, maybe a single database with a single-select for role is a better solution?

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