The future of References: thoughts, questions, and ideas

I would like to see a ton of improvements to references, sorry don’t have the energy now to dig up some previous requests, but among ideas I think you can find in my previous posts:

  • group references according to originating entity, and other ways, not just chronologically (you seem to suggest the same)
  • merge with the comments area so you have a true log of updates to an entity as they happen
  • This one I did track down:

it is really useful to see the time of each reference, but if there is more than one from the same entity, you lose the first timestamp.

And interesting your mention of being able to reference views. Maybe I missed a convo in the interim, but we talked about that here:

I continue to really wish there was a way to reference views, as some views for my team in Fibery are very important and can’t really be emulated by creating an entity instead, which would pick up references.

Good post, love to have references being pushed forward!

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