The first script automatically retrieves and stores new Telegram messages using a specified API key, converting URLs in the messages to Markdown format, and then logs and updates each operation in a Fibery database.
The second script updates the relationship between Telegram message entities and group entities in a Fibery database, by matching and linking message entities to the correct group entity based on the group name, logging the result of each operation.
Script 1 (in Bot database)
// Configuration constants
const http = context.getService('http');
const fibery = context.getService('fibery');
const messageDB = 'Telegram/Message'; // Database for storing Telegram messages
const apiKeyDB = 'Yuri/API Key'; // Database for API Key storage
const apiKeyFieldName = 'API Key'; // Field name for the API Key in Bot entity
const botDB = 'Telegram/Bot'; // Database type for Bot entities
const lastUpdateIdFieldName = 'LastUpdateId'; // Field name for storing LastUpdateId in the API Key entity
const metaFieldName = 'Meta'; // Field name for the Meta rich text field
// Function to replace URLs with Markdown links
function replaceUrlsWithMarkdown(text) {
const urlRegex = /(\bhttps?:\/\/[-A-Z0-9+&@#\/%?=~_|!:,.;]*[-A-Z0-9+&@#\/%=~_|])/ig;
return text.replace(urlRegex, (url) => `[${url}](${url})`);
// Function to initialize or clear the Meta field log
async function clearAndInitMetaLog(botId) {
const initialContent = `${new Date().toISOString()}: Script execution started.`;
const entity = await fibery.getEntityById(botDB, botId, [metaFieldName]);
await fibery.setDocumentContent(entity[metaFieldName]['Secret'], initialContent, 'md');
// Function to append to the Meta log
async function appendToMetaLog(botId, newContent) {
const entity = await fibery.getEntityById(botDB, botId, [metaFieldName]);
const currentMetaContent = entity[metaFieldName] ? await fibery.getDocumentContent(entity[metaFieldName]['Secret'], 'md') : '';
const updatedContent = `${currentMetaContent}\n${new Date().toISOString()}: ${newContent}`;
await fibery.setDocumentContent(entity[metaFieldName]['Secret'], updatedContent, 'md');
// Main function to fetch and save Telegram messages
async function fetchAndSaveTelegramMessages() {
if (!args || !args.currentEntities || args.currentEntities.length === 0) {
console.error("No Bot entity provided in args.currentEntities");
const currentBot = args.currentEntities[0];
await clearAndInitMetaLog(;
const apiKeyEntity = await fibery.getEntityById(apiKeyDB, currentBot[apiKeyFieldName].Id, ['Key', lastUpdateIdFieldName]);
const telegramApiKey = apiKeyEntity.Key;
const lastUpdateId = apiKeyEntity[lastUpdateIdFieldName] || "0";
const displayApiKey = telegramApiKey ? `...${telegramApiKey.slice(-4)}` : "No API Key Found";
await appendToMetaLog(, `Fetching messages using Telegram API Key: ${displayApiKey}`);
const response = await http.getAsync(`${telegramApiKey}/getUpdates?offset=${parseInt(lastUpdateId) + 1}&limit=100`);
const messages = JSON.parse(response).result;
if (messages.length === 0) {
await appendToMetaLog(, "No new messages found.");
for (const update of messages) {
const message = update.message || update.edited_message;
if (message && message.text) {
let messageText = replaceUrlsWithMarkdown(message.text);
const entityData = {
'Name': 'Telegram Message',
'Sender': message.from.first_name || message.from.username || "Unknown Sender",
'Date Sent': new Date( * 1000).toISOString(),
'Group Name': || 'Private Chat',
'Bot': // Linking the message to the current Bot entity
const createdEntity = await fibery.createEntity(messageDB, entityData);
// Fetch and log the public ID of the created message entity
if (createdEntity && createdEntity['Public Id']) {
await fibery.setDocumentContent(createdEntity['Description'].Secret, messageText, 'md');
await appendToMetaLog(, `Message processed and linked: ${} (Public ID: ${createdEntity['Public Id']})`);
if (update.update_id > parseInt(lastUpdateId)) {
await fibery.updateEntity(apiKeyDB, apiKeyEntity.Id, { [lastUpdateIdFieldName]: update.update_id.toString() });
await appendToMetaLog(, `Last update ID updated to: ${update.update_id}`);
await fetchAndSaveTelegramMessages();
Script 1 explanation
- Implement a function to convert plain URLs in a text to Markdown formatted links.
- Create functions to clear and initialize a log in the Meta field, and to append new content to this log.
- Define the main function to fetch and save Telegram messages:
- Verify the presence of a Bot entity to proceed with operations.
- Retrieve the API key and the last processed update ID from the Fibery database.
- Log the initiation of message fetching using the retrieved API key.
- Fetch new messages from Telegram using the API key and update offset.
- For each received message, convert URLs to Markdown, create a new entity for the message in Fibery, and log the creation.
- Update the last processed update ID in the database after processing each message.
- Execute the main function to start the message fetching and saving process.
Script 2 (in Message database)
// Constants for database names and fields
const MESSAGE_DB = 'Telegram/Message';
const TGROUP_DB = 'Telegram/TGroup';
const GROUP_NAME_FIELD = 'Group Name'; // Field name in the message entity
const TGROUP_NAME_FIELD = 'Name'; // Field name in the TGroup entity
const BOT_TGROUPS_FIELD = 'Bot TGroups'; // Path to TGroup entities via Bot
const fibery = context.getService('fibery');
async function updateTGroupRelation() {
try {
const currentMessage = args.currentEntities[0];
// Fetch 'Group Name' and related TGroups via 'Bot Tgroups'
const messageEntity = await fibery.getEntityById(MESSAGE_DB,, [GROUP_NAME_FIELD, BOT_TGROUPS_FIELD]);
const groupName = messageEntity[GROUP_NAME_FIELD];
const relatedTGroups = messageEntity[BOT_TGROUPS_FIELD];
// Find a matching TGroup based on the 'Name' field
const matchingTGroup = relatedTGroups.find(tGroup => tGroup[TGROUP_NAME_FIELD] === groupName);
if (matchingTGroup) {
// Update the 'TGroup' relation in the Message entity
await fibery.updateEntity(MESSAGE_DB,, {
console.log(`TGroup updated to ${} for Message with ID ${}`);
} else {
console.log('No matching TGroup found for the provided Group Name:', groupName);
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error in updating TGroup relation:', error);
await updateTGroupRelation();
Script 2 explanation
Executes a function to update relationships between Telegram message entities and group entities:
- Retrieves the current message entity along with its group name and related Telegram group entities.
- Searches for a Telegram group entity that matches the group name of the current message.
- Updates the message entity with the ID of the matching Telegram group entity if a match is found, or logs a message if no match is found.