Asana stepped up their game with this. Originally there was no inclusion of the comments in that column, just the current status. But the combo status/comment visual is very nice.
But yes, I think we would be well-served in Fibery to simply have the comment available in Table view, and you could create something equally effective, as we’d have custom statuses, via Workflow Extension, which Asana doesn’t offer, and you could just move that in the Table view to be next to your comment’s field. ClickUp’s approach is more that way, but ClickUp is insufficient here as well as you can only do this on the Task level. So here you see when comparing both cases how Fibery is superior in getting an even better view for a team.
All we need now is the ability to see Comments as an available field in Tables, along with Rich Text as I mentioned earlier.
This could all pull together wonderfully with some wrapping capabilities around these requests: