I noticed that there is no community category in this platform. That will be useful to get to know each other better. I’m aware of the ‘Show your Space’ category, but that is not the same.
In the community category we could focus on personal connections and collaboration. It could also be used to exchange experience we have in projects and organizations. We can add a subcategory ‘User story’ or something that can be used for existing and new members to present themselves and tell their story and plans. I think that creating a more personal community culture in Fibery will benefit the engagement, collaboration and enthusiasm for Fibery.
not that my voice counts that much as newbie…
but I’d love it if there were dedicated subspaces, like for the PKM use-case, as there seems a sub-community here.
would definitely help exchange, getting in touch, but also get a feel for special kind of use-scenarios, set-ups, workarounds…
– maybe this is also true generally?
… just thinking loud being inspired by the multi-powers of Fibery.
I understand your excitement about PKM, but it seems like Fibery might shift its focus towards facilitating Collective Intelligence (CI), although this hasn’t been explicitly stated. The potential for CI in Fibery is hinted at with the introduction of ‘Fibery 2.0’, which emphasizes ‘feedback insight generation’ as a key value. This shift could significantly enhance smart organizational culture if Fibery becomes more people-oriented.
The structure of this Fibery Discourse forum was initially experimental, as outlined a few years ago: Fibery Community Restart. Considering the evolving focus, it may be beneficial to reevaluate this setup.
Difference between Community and Culture
It’s important to distinguish between community feedback and community culture. Developing a smart community culture is a strategic choice that requires a deep understanding of social dynamics. This approach goes beyond simply assigning community moderators and involves integrating careful design to boost engagement and cultivate collective intelligence.
Fibery’s development trajectory this year, particularly with Fibery 2.0, presents an opportunity to foster a smarter organizational culture that not only gathers insights through pattern recognition but also translates them into tangible cultural growth and innovation.
Collective Intelligence is more advanced than PKM (Personal Knowledge Management), TKM (Team Knowledge Management), and GKM (Group Knowledge Management) as it not only involves generating new ideas and solutions from group interactions but also establishing an intelligent culture that adapts, develops and implements these innovations effectively. This process highlights the importance of collaboration, open communication, and the continuous evolution of group knowledge and capabilities.
– Thx for that upfront reaction!
My unordered list of thoughts as to that:
your principal idea seems still a good one to me, regardless of PKM
… I now wonder – even more than before – what the PKM´lers in this travel boat think, given your assessment, and cross-reading it with threads like this (partly a reason for my particular reaction): Should I Invest in Fibery? (individual PKM use case). (It´s also one of the things that brought me here…)
This is not the place… but I´d be a bit cautious personally with a too categorical juxtaposition of ‘personal knowledge management’ and ‘collective intelligence’ (a very theory heavy term).
For one, IMO there is no personal in the old sense anymore in PKM – not in the time of social media, blogosphere, everything-is-a-project-times, knowledge aggregation etc etc. Of course, there is individual use… but …
Then, with such grand categories it’s good to be precise and also see about their locus and anchoring in topological space; meaning, I think there is some social intelligence coming out of a good collective knowledge management (tool). But, the same goes for individual intelligence, leaning on / being augmented by a good PKM system. There is no free floating collective intelligence remote from social beings – and so I would not take this ‘intelligence effect’ (collective intelligence – coming along with the “LAM/T” part of the thing; the tool & method side associated with PKM nowadays) and juxtapose it with the whole equation of “H-LAM/T”.
– But still, I see what you are saying, and it certainly fits the signal landscape somewhat.
So, I certainly sense an “evolving focus” has some reverberations in different directions, and would also foreseeably lead to some reservations to take up some (… additional / out-of-perceived-scope… ) ‘PKM’–impulses, ideas, requests, visions etc. (– Others here also talked about it; and it´s in the papers…)
– So, all that is why I am still exploring how Fibery works (or not) as PKM in some more ‘traditional’, but nevertheless always evolving sense. While, still, I approach it as generally looking at the way Fibery does KM generally, mainly.
Overall, I guess your proposal just spoke to the community pal in me, the one that also believes culture and cultivation is as important for knowledge / intelligence apps as it is for forum … ehm… culture
But let´s not distract from your core proposal in all this…
Just my thoughts / reactions. Thx again for your care!
Im taking some time off from the Fibery community. I hope this topic gets more attention. I will reply only to personal messages for now. All the best and have a good 2025.