References to Views as a way to emulate Embedded Db's in Notion

It sounds like you want Views to be more like Entities and I’m not sure I think that’s a good idea. They have a specific, clear, and “clean” purpose that makes their functionality easy to access and work with…

I think basically everything you’re suggesting would actually be solved by the ability to Embed Views in Rich Text, which is also a feature of Notion (and which you basically referenced in your topic title), so I’m confused why you’re making a new request for this, when the other is already accepted as per Michael’s response:

If you had that, then instead of a View to handle your need, you’d use an Entity, which - critically - already has all the functions you’re asking be added to views (as far as I can see), and then simply embed one (or more!) Views into it. Ideally it would work like Notion where each View does not have to have a corresponding position in the left-hand navigation, at least if it is embedded in a page.

Am I right in this, or do I misunderstand your request? I’m just really wary of ending up with way too many ways to do everything, and the team having to do essentially duplicate effort and additional design/UX work. Simply adding the “views in rich text” function would give us so much flexibility to solve a ton of problems like this one, and I think even if it’s not quite a perfect solution for all of them, it’s close enough and has high enough other utility that it may be the better dev time focus vs. trying to add things like backlinks to Views.

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