I have a whiteboard created on an entity and I can browse and view this entities via the @public URLs; but the whiteboard isn’t available.
How can I make the whiteboard public too?
I have a whiteboard created on an entity and I can browse and view this entities via the @public URLs; but the whiteboard isn’t available.
How can I make the whiteboard public too?
I’m afraid it’s not a bug, rather a missing functionality
There is no way to share any view - whiteboard, timeline, board, etc. It’s smth we have in the backlog and hope to do one day. So anything embed inside entity won’t be publicly accessible. sorry.
Hi @rawkode
If you shared your space to the web you have to be sure that every embedded view (like Whiteboard) is also associated with one of the shared spaces.
There is a bug that if you have a Whiteboard attached to the Entity in Whiteboards collection it may not be attached to the save Space as the Entity. The simplest way to ensure that whiteboard is connect to the Entity and to the shared Space is to create Smart Folder in a main menu with that Entity and create a Whiteboard right beneath it. Than you can use that whiteboard in Entity’s rich text.
Hope this helps