Project "Localization": Database name single/plural


In English is single “Book”, plural “Books”. Always an s behind.
In German there are different names for single and plural names, “Buch” and “Bücher”.

So I need a way to define a single and plural name of a database.

We have the same problem in Dutch.

  • One taak (task)
  • Two taken (tasks)
  • One afspraak (appointment)
  • Two afspraken (appointments)

All my databases are in single. So when a user adds an entity they see ‘+ Taak’ or ‘+ Afspraak’ which is also correct for the use case.

When you create a many relation or view, Fibery will default put +s in the relation name but you can adjust it yourself.

AFAIK the plural names are only visible/not changeable in formulas and automations. But you get used to that :sweat_smile:

Sorry, Upcoming Aktivitätens cracked me up. :rofl:

I was wondering when that magic Fibery does in English (it actually uses the correct plural of Mouse, Sheep and possibly Status…) breaks. Looks like there is a full-on dictionary in the background.
If that’s the case, you’d probably need to switch all of Fibery’s language or select the language dictionary to use for databases. In either case, if you then have some databases in English and some in another language, it’ll funk up.

… while magic is nice, KISS might be better.

I was impressed by that initial choice of magic and I’m genuinely curious to see, what approach the Fibery team will choose to resolve this. :popcorn:

We have recently taken a look at this and here is a summary:

  • Currently, Fibery works well with Database names that are in English and singular form, everything else is a struggle.
  • We can relatively easily tweak the “magic” to work nicely with plural English names, so a force majeur aside you’ll notice the improvement in one of the next updates.
  • Other languages have grammar cases and some (e.g. Arabic) have several plural forms, so rendering Delete Task or 4 Tasks in Ukrainian or German is tricky and goes beyond correctly guessing the plural/singular form. We don’t want to put lipstick on a pig, so we’ll address this in the scope of a proper product-wide localization. Someday :crossed_fingers:
  • Meanwhile, we’ll try to mess with your input as little as possible: if a place doesn’t call for pluralization, we won’t apply it. If we can detect that a name is not English, we’ll try to avoid messing with it altogether.

Most (if not all) of our competitors don’t even try to display DB names on UI in singular/plural contexts but we feel like the additional understanding is worth the trouble for us.

Before we have a proper localization, our recommendation on Database naming is English singular or plural > non-English singular > non-English plural.

For anything apart from DBs (Views, Fields, etc.), please use the language of your team, no need to adapt to English.