Please add a Fillout Forms direct integration! (like Smartsuite and Notion have)

Fillout is pretty much becoming the most powerful form builder, and they have direct integrations with a few platforms already (Smartsuite, Notion, Google Sheets, etc). It would be amazing to do so with Fibery!

As of right now, we can use to pull info in, but it’s obviously more clunky that way.

Just a thought! Keep up the good work!


Strong agree! If I had a vote I would give it. Fillout is by far the best form builder I’ve used. I’ve even submitted requests to them for a Fibery integration multiple times in the past.

Forms in Fibery are good for simple things, but are clearly not the focus. It would be amazing to have a direct integration into Fillout for more complex form builds.


Adding that one reason that a fillout forms integration would be amazing is that we’re building multiple forms that will need to notify “store managers” or “salespeople,” and it would be perfect if we didn’t have to go back into each form and update notification emails every time we had a new salesperson, but it would just reference our source database for the latest contact information per location…

Really I’m just trying to motivate this integration :joy::man_shrugging:t3:

I agree as well. I’ve been really impressed with fillout as a form tool and have even considered adopting it in my won business.
Their relation fields integration is so seamless and beats every other tool on the market.

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+1 as well