I often find myself getting lost when navigating through browser tabs in Fibery.
Imagine I have a view called “Current sprint” which a list of Tasks.
The moment I select one of the Tasks in the list the browser page title will change to something like “Task 1” which puts me in a situation where I have to often ask myself later: “Where was that Current sprint list?”.
I think a solution to that would be for browser tabs where the user went from a view to an entity’s details to change the tab title to: VIEW \ ENTITY, for example “Current sprint \ Task 1”.
This would make it much easier to return to those original views without getting lost in browser tabs simply because you opened an item.
Bonus points: what would take this one step further, both for the browser version but especially the desktop version of Fibery would be that instead of the Fibery favicon the app would show a favicon with the DB short name.
So basically going from this
To this