Legal characters for entity names?

My custom integration returns a record with the name “D&J Inc.”, but the resulting Fibery entity has the name “D”. Same issue with other records that include an ampersand in the entity name.

This was just me confusing two DBs with the same name in different Spaces - Sorry! :pensive:

What are the rules for valid/legal entity names?
Are there special rules for names of entities created by custom integrations?

Another record is returned by the custom integration for the same DB with the name “3-D Services”.
The Fibery entity was created correctly this time, HOWEVER, the entity does not appear in table or List views or Smart folders.

Same issue with other entities whose names begin with a digit, or entities whose name contains an ampersand “&”. I can find these entities via Fibery Search or graphQL, and their entity view looks correct, but they do not appear in normal unfiltered Views.

This was my confusion caused by the fact that my views were not actually sorted, though they LOOKED (mostly) sorted