Post new Entity to speciffic Database

I’m using postman to try and set up a request that posts new entries to a speciffic db. So I’m using the with this command object:
“command”: “fibery.entity/create”,
“args”: {
“type”: “KevinsDatabase”, //name of my DB
“entity”: {
“First Name”: “Testy”,
“Last Name”: “Testerson”


But I’m receiving:
[{"success":false,"result":{"name":"entity.error/schema-type-not-found","message":"KevinsDatabase database was not found.","data":{"top":{"error/name":"entity.error/schema-type-not-found","error/schema-version":5156,"type":"KevinsDatabase"},"cause":{"error/name":"entity.error/schema-type-not-found","error/schema-version":5156,"type":"KevinsDatabase"},"error/schema-version":5156,"type":"KevinsDatabase"}}}]

Should I be structuring my command differently or is there anything I’m missing?

Database names include the Space, so you need to type to be something like “KevinsSpace/KevinsDatabase”

Check out the API section of the user guide.

Thank you,

I did try adding “space” to the query but it didnt work. For context the path is like so:
“” and doing something like “/space/KevinsDatabase/” returns the same error. Do you have a link handy for the user guide?

I have also tried KevinsDatabase/database/Raw_Form_Data and KevinsDatabase/Raw_Form_Data, all of which give me the same error

If KevinsDatabase is the space name and the database is called Raw_Form_Data then KevinsDatabase/Raw_Form_Data should work.
Check your capitalisation though

Maybe share a screenshot of your space/db and we might spot something

I think something is up with that particular database so I created a new one. But when trying to populate “First Name” and “Last Name” like so:

           "command": "fibery.entity/create",
           "args": {
             "type": "KevinsDatabase/KevTestDB", //name of my DB
             "entity": {
               "First Name": "Testy",
               "Last Name": "Testerson"

I now get:
[{“success”:false,“result”:{“name”:“entity.error/parse-type-field-failed”,“message”:“Cannot parse value for ‘First Name’ field in KevinsDatabase/KevTestDB database.\nCause: ‘First Name’ field was not found in KevinsDatabase/KevTestDB database.”,“data”:{“top”:{“error/name”:“entity.error/parse-type-field-failed”,“type”:“KevinsDatabase/KevTestDB”,“field”:“First Name”,“entity”:{“First Name”:“Testy”,“Last Name”:“Testerson”}},“cause”:{“error/name”:“entity.error/schema-field-not-found”,“error/schema-version”:5165,“type”:“KevinsDatabase/KevTestDB”,“field”:“First Name”},“type”:“KevinsDatabase/KevTestDB”,“field”:“First Name”,“entity”:{“First Name”:“Testy”,“Last Name”:“Testerson”}},“cause-message”:“‘First Name’ field was not found in KevinsDatabase/KevTestDB database.”,“cause-data”:{“error/name”:“entity.error/schema-field-not-found”,“error/schema-version”:5165,“type”:“KevinsDatabase/KevTestDB”,“field”:“First Name”}}}]

Perhaps I need underscores or all lowercase in my json? Here is a screen shot

So the space has to be in the command for First and last… [
“command”: “fibery.entity/create”,
“args”: {
“type”: “KevinsDatabase/KevTestDB”, //name of my DB
“entity”: {
“KevinsDatabase/First Name”: “Testy”, // First Name of KevinsDatabase/KevTestDB
“KevinsDatabase/Last Name”: “Testerson” // Last Name of KevinsDatabase/KevTestDB


Working thanks for the help