Killer search function that is a NATURAL fit for Fibery

Yes, it seems like a great method to potentially use for something like development of a Fibery <-> Obsidian sync plugin (independent, open source) (Obsidian new native “properties” also store to YAML in the .md). But it’s more of an interop/sync thing than something to support in Search explicitly IMO. I.e. you translate some other system’s fields/properties into Fibery’s in the sync, and then in Fibery it’s just regular Search on Fields.

I would still really prefer to see a “native” approach, probably as an Obsidian Plugin since I think that’s where the challenging stuff would have to be done, locally, and then just connect via the Fibery API. But I don’t have dev skills or resources, and if someone creates an N8N approach that I could use, well, I’ll probably use it. :smile:

Yep, absolutely. You can have a whole Space that is just “Search” if you want, and then just create a bunch of Views that can be re-used as Searches with sort of “default” parameters, sort them into Folders, etc.