How to append text from multiple linked entities?

I have a database of companies and database of calls. One company can have many calls. Each call has summary. I would need to append each instance of call summary to a company.

How to do that?

The most basic idea is to create Feed View that will show all summaries for all calls in a company

I would like to make summary of summaries then. But I think I found the solution - basically automated merging entities - making one entity out of multiples entities.

I need to create a new database only with summaries and then merge those summaries based on the same company.

I believe it’s similar to deduplication. I was playing a bit with your deduplication template. I adjusted it to keep newer value from a duplicate. I’m going to test it for this use case and if it’s going to work I’m going to write here how I did it.

Are you aware of relation views?
If a company has a relation to multiple calls, then in the ‘Calls’ collection field for the company, you can create a feed view as @mdubakov suggests, instead of the default list view.
That way, anyone opening the company entity view will see all the summary rich text fields from the calls.

My use case is not only viewing those summaries. Actually, I don’t need to view them at all. I want to take those summaries and make summary of summaries via chatGPT.

Let’s say I’m extracting from each call information what are objections from prospect in summary. I need to aggregate all objections from each call to company. But it means also deduplicating those objections, since there might be same objections in multiple calls. Then I need to work with that summary on company level, I plan to categorise objections and make reporting with those data.

I can’t tell from your last post if you still need help, or have you figured out something that works?

I’m trying to create my own solution for automatic merging, but it has it’s own obstacles.