👂 Feedback needed: scripts in automations that shouldn't be scripts

One place I struggle is trying to work with information across my entire workspace. There’s no way to work with an entity unless it is already in a relations field or by using scripting.

A simple example is that I have a Day database and for each day I want to auto connect three random entities from my Food database that have the field Baby = true. So each day, each meal, I want to have three foods to prepare for my baby that I know she has eaten before. So I have the do the following script 3 times (for each meal):

This should not be this hard. I wasn’t able to create this script without coming here to the forums. Coda is way way way better at dealing with data across the whole workspace. I can just reference any view that I want to and use random. Easy.

Another example is passing the AI custom queries and such that I talked about here (Best way to pass dynamic queries/views/info to AI?). Again Coda is FANTASTIC for stuff like this. Just create the view I want and reference it anywhere with a formula. Please please add this. Tana does this perfectly too.

Really I don’t feel like I should be forced to use scripting unless I’m doing something extremely complicated or working with data outside of fibery. But really Coda does these things better than Fibery without scripting.