Evernote replacement: Inline "/ Create entity" feature needs to allow selection to be body text, not title

Currently when selecting text in a richt text field, and then using the slash ‘Create entity’ feature, the selected text is proposed to be the title of the newly created entity.

However, most of the times when I want to convert snippets of text into separate entities that contain the selected text as body text (description field), and do not want it to convert it to a title.

I understand that the original motivation of this ‘Create entity’ slash command was to cover the use case of inline tasks creation and similar entities where the value is mostly in the title.

The use case that I here describe, is for the zettelkasten, digital mind kind of work, including qualitative analysis, a kind of work for which I still have to use Evernote.

Let me know if I described this clearly enough, and if you imagine this to be a good and possibly easy way to get rid of Evernote.

@Yuri_BC I think you will need to do this in two steps:

  • first create your new entity
  • then make a link to it in Rich Text (you can use any text you like for the anchor)

See the User Guide:

you may select some text and link it to an entity using Cmd + L shortcut

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It sounds like you would want/need ‘transclusion’ @Yuri_BC
If an entity is created with the description field populated with the highlighted text, wouldn’t you want the text to be synchronised - changes in one are reflected in the other?
Merely populating a new entity’s description field at the time of creation (allowing them to drift our of sync over time) is not ideal, right?

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I can’t wait for transclusion :slight_smile:

Transclusion would be great as well (as I mentioned in other topics), and is in my view as important as creating copied clips selections of text that live their own life (Like Evernote notes). Actually I see three most common features related:

  1. Transclusion
  • Description: Transclusion involves creating a dynamic link to the original content. The transcluded content is displayed within the new context, but it remains connected to the original source. If the original content changes, those changes will be reflected wherever the content has been transcluded.
  • Benefits: Transclusion maintains the consistency and integrity of information across a system. It’s a powerful way to ensure that updates to the original content are automatically propagated to all instances where it’s referenced.
  • Drawbacks: Transclusion can be complex to manage, especially in large systems. If the original content is deleted or moved, it can break the transclusion links. Also, it might not be suitable for situations where you want to create a separate, independent note based on the original content.
  • Use Cases: Transclusion is useful in Zettelkasten-style note-taking where the same piece of information can be viewed and understood in multiple contexts. It’s also beneficial in collaborative environments where multiple people are updating content and you want to ensure everyone sees the most recent version.
  1. Read-Only Embedding
  • Description: Read-only embedding involves displaying content from one location within another, but the embedded content is typically not editable in the location where it’s embedded. Any changes to the content must be made at the original source.
  • Benefits: Read-only embedding preserves the original context and prevents unwanted modifications. It can also involve a static snapshot of the content, meaning that changes to the original won’t be reflected in the embed, which can be useful for preserving a specific version of the content.
  • Drawbacks: If the original content is updated, those changes won’t be reflected in the read-only embed. This could lead to outdated information being displayed. Also, it doesn’t allow for editing or adding to the content within the new context.
  • Use Cases: Read-only embedding is useful when you want to reference a piece of content without the risk of it being edited or changed. It’s also beneficial when you want to preserve a specific version of the content, such as a quote from a book or a snapshot of a web page.
  1. Copy and Create New Entity (Create Note from Selection, like Evernote)
  • Description: This involves making a copy of the selected text and using it to create a new note or entity. The new entity is independent of the original source. Changes made to the original text won’t affect the copied text, and vice versa.
  • Benefits: This allows for more divergence and exploration of new ideas. It’s useful when you want to use a piece of information as a starting point for new thoughts or ideas.
  • Drawbacks: This can lead to issues with information fragmentation and inconsistency if the same information is modified in different places. It also requires more effort to maintain consistency.
  • Use Cases: This is useful when you want to create a new note based on a snippet of text, such as a quote from a book or a piece of information from a web page. It’s also beneficial in brainstorming or ideation processes where you want to create multiple independent ideas based on a single piece of information.

In all three options, there’s often an option to display only a ‘teaser’ of the embedded content, not the complete text. This can help manage space, provide contextual clarity, encourage exploration, reduce cognitive load, and maintain organization.